Quotable: ""

26 November 2007

26 November 2007 - The Funniest Calvin-and-Hobbes Ever

"Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes

"Collectors Item!

"The only book that Bill Watterson approved for mass production that was not his own was this book. Enough said!"


25 November 2007

25 November 2007 - Wikipedia in Spanish

"Dos notables excepciones fueron la publicación de dos calendarios de pared de 16 meses y el libro de texto Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes (Aprendiendo con Calvin y Hobbes)....

"Un libro de texto oficial para niños, titulado Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes (Aprendiendo con Calvin y Hobbes) fue publicado en edición limitada en 1993. El libro incluye varias tiras de Calvin y Hobbes con lecciones y consejos para los niños. El libro es un objeto casi único, y muy buscado por coleccionistas."


18 November 2007

22 September 2007

22 September 2007 - Wikipédia in French

"En dehors des livres, de deux calendriers (1988-1989 et 1989-1990), d'un livre Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes, et d'un T-shirt, aucun autre produit dérivé sur la série n'est théoriquement autorisé. Watterson refuse également de vendre ses originaux."


20 September 2007

20 September 2007 - Wikipédia in Magyar

"Kivételként erősíti a szabályt egy 16 hónapos falinaptár és egy Teaching with Calvin and Hoobes című kisiskolás tankönyv."


15 August 2007

15 August 2007 - Yahoo! Answers

"Does anyone have the book - Teaching with Calvin & Hobbes?

"Hi, i have been looking for this book for a long time,does anyone have this book they are willing to sell?"


25 July 2007

25 July 2007 - Sam and Fuzzy Forums

"Calvin's name comes from the Theologist John Calvin. Hobbe's name comes from the philosopher Thomas Hobbes.

"Calvin's dad is a Patent Attorney.

"Miss Wormwood is named after the apprentice devil in a C.S. Louis story. ( I forget which one)

"Spaceman Spiff was made for a project in a high school german class, named Rumfahrer Rolf.

"Calvin has 7 different human alter-egos.

"Calvin has discovered 6 different uses for the cardboard box.

"On the back of The Essential Calvin and Hobbes, it shows a giant Calvin destroying a town. The town is Bill Watterson's hometown.

"Bill Watterson named the anthologies (The Indespensible, The Essential, and the Authoritative.) because they were none of those things.

"There is a very rare Calvin and Hobbes textbook which takes life lessons from the comics.

"You have your peanuts trivia, Gin, I have my Calvin and Hobbes."


01 June 2007

1 June 2007 - WorldCat.org

Exactly 11 copies are listed as available in library collections in the entire world.

In the United States:
2 at the Library of Congress
1 at California State University at Sacramento
1 at Xavier University in Ohio
5 at libraries and universities in North Dakota

In Canada:
1 at Lakehead University in Ontario

In Singapore:
1 at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Library

1 June 2007 - Google Book Search

"'Whole language and humor for upper elementary and jr. high'--Cover."


21 May 2007

21 May 2007 - Final Fantasy Finland forums

"Kirjalla en siis tarkoita sarjakuvakirjaa, vaan 'Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes' nimistä kirjaa. Sarjakuvakokoelmia on ihan virallisia tehty vaikka kuinka."
