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19 August 2010

19 August 2010 - Looking for Calvin and Hobbes, revised edition

"My research for the book officially ended in early 2009, but I never stopped looking for Calvin and Hobbes. I hadn't been able to locate a copy of one of Watterson's rarest licenses – the 1993 book Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes – but I tracked one down a few months after Looking for Calvin and Hobbes hit bookshelves. There were only a limited number published, so it's perhaps the most difficult piece of official Calvin and Hobbes memorabilia to find. Copies routinely sell for over $1000 and there's even a blog devoted to it (teachingwithcalvinandhobbes.blogspot.com). Written by Mary Santella-Johnson and Jan Roebken[1], the project features Calvin and Hobbes strips used to help teach vocabulary, problem solving, and creative writing. There's even a lesson testing imagination, where students need to answer the questions 'Why do you think scientists, inventors and architects need to be imaginative and creative?' and 'Why do people need anesthesia (pain killer)?' The book is dedicated to Watterson himself, '[F]or his sheer genius[2] and insight into childhood.'"

Looking for Calvin and Hobbes: The Unconventional Story of Bill Watterson and His Revolutionary Comic Strip – revised edition. Nevin Martell. Continuum Books. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4411-0685-8 (paperback). Page 236.


[1] The authors of Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes are Linda Holmen and Mary Santella-Johnson. Bill Watterson is the author of the comic strips compiled in Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes. Jan Roebken provided the cover art and supplementary illustrations for Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes.

[2] In the dedication in Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes, the word "genius" is misspelled as "genious".

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