Quotable: "Of ludicrous value to collectors everywhere."

23 September 2008

23 September 2008 - Teachers.Net

Posted by Nicole/Jefferson City,MO on 9/23/08

"Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes by Mary Santella-Johnson and Linda Holman. Playground Publishing. ISBN: 1-878849-15-8

"This is a very rare teacher book that was released in 1993. Bill Watterson only only allowed a limited number to be circulated, so now it is quite a find....

"More about the book:
Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes contains activities that tap all learning styles and intelligences, and it guarenteed to make teaching and learning fun and effective. The material helps develop:
-vocablulary skills
-reading comprehension
-language skills
-creative writing
-critical thinking
-problem solvinig skills
-social skills
-cooperative learning
A very good resource to help motivate struggling readers!"



19 September 2008

19 September 2008 - Knol

"There was also an officially licensed Calvin and Hobbes textbook entitled Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes which only had a limited one-time run in 1993. It featured strips followed by lessons and questions."
