Quotable: ""

12 February 2010

12 February 2010 - Sports Betting Forum & Handicapping forums

"Does anyone know anything about Calvin and Hobbes or rare books?

"My wife has a book that I saw today in her bookshelf. It is called 'Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes'....

"So I was going to sell it on Amazon....

"But then I researched the book a little on the internet..."

* * *

"I know nothing about it. I will buy it from you..."


01 February 2010

1 February 2010 - reddit - entertainment

"Calvin and Hobbes has never been licensed for anything*.

"*Three notable exceptions to the licensing embargo were the publication of two 16-month wall calendars, the textbook Teaching with Calvin and Hobbes, and one t-shirt for an exhibit at the MoMa

"All of which are very hard to get a hold of."
